Math Bags
I have a new Pinterest idea that I'm going to try this or next week. It's linked to the picture below, and comes from Basically the idea is that everyone takes some a Math Bag and brings back five objects in it. Then you let the kids count them, and you sort them, graph, them, etc., etc.
I was at first stymied by the cost of buying a back for everyone to have, since my best source was the Dollar Tree at a dollar a bag. (Because a: I don't have that big of a "Buy-It-Yourself" Teacher Budget, and b: I'm cheap).
However, this weekend I came across nice canvas bags at Michael's for 30 cents a bag. So I bought 21 and fixed them all up with a Sharpie.
Although somehow in the writing this happened:
So, after I go back and get a bag to replace this one, I will send them home with a note explaining about their purpose.
I'll let you know how it goes.