W Week (As Well)

I mentioned in one of my last few posts that last week was "F" week, and that we did lots of fun "F" things.  However, by default it was also kind of "W" week, as in W for Worms.

One of the Little Peoples' favorite things to do on the playground lately is to dig for worms in the wood chips.  They get their heavy-duty shovels and hoes out and dig great big holes looking for the little creatures.  Unfortunately, given that we get very little rain here for around nine months of the year, the worms can be few and far between.  However, now that we've officially entered the "Rainy Season", we have found a lot more of them. 

In fact, one day last week was such a plentiful worm day that all the hunters had at least seven or eight apiece.  (Not all of the Little People hunt for worms, of course.  Some just turn their nose up in disdain, and some act like they really would hunt worms if they could, but they just can't.  "I'm allergic to worms," one girl told everyone last week.)

One of our biggest Worm Hunters clutched his catch in his hand for quite awhile on Thursday until we asked him to show us and discovered that he was tightly squeezing a whole tangle of them.  We then encouraged him to put them in one of our plastic bowls for safekeeping.  Of course, then we had to watch carefully at the end of playground time to make sure that he actually put them back in the dirt - although bless those little worms' hearts, I would imagine they're still in that bunched up ball shape even now.  (We learned from his mother that two days last week she found dead worms in his lunch bag.  He, of course, insisted that the teachers said it was okay for him to take them home - hopefully she realized that that was not the case.)

So, it was F week and then again it was W week.  Considering the rain we had over the weekend, it will probably be W week again this week, too. 

As long as we can keep them unsquished and out of lunchboxes, I think that will be just fine.

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