Turkey Hats
This week we made turkey hats to wear Friday for our Harvest Party/A - Z Potluck. Now, I have to admit that this is true craft project, and not my favorite type of art project for the Little People. Usually I try to stick to the projects where they can create anything they want. However, these turkey hats are very cute, and the parents love them. So, I just put them in the "Following Directions" art category while the kids make the faces, and then end up putting together most of the project at home.
I did, however let them choose any color of pom poms they wanted for eyes, and while the parents might wonder at this, I think they turned out wonderfully.
Some of the kids went for brown or white pom pom eyes. (I added the Sharpie pupils later.)
However, some kids branched out a little bit. We had "alarmed" orange eyes:
"Stressed out/Been Dipping into the Eggnog" Pink Eyes:
"Have Pink Eye Must Stay Home" Pink and White Eyes:
And mismatched "Turkey Lurkey" eyes.
Ahh, so cute, so parent-pleasing, and yes, still a little bit creative.