A Windy Wednesday

Yesterday was a windy, windy day.  In fact, it was a "Windy Wednesday", which the Little People thought was a funny thing.

However, we didn't mind, since this unusual weather turned into a perfect opportunity to try out some plastic bag kites.  I had actually thought of this activity last week when we were doing the Letter K, but the wind just wasn't on our side during those days.

However, yesterday it was perfect.  To make a plastic bag kite you need a  plastic bag and a piece of yarn around four feet long.  Most of our bags were Target-type bags, but we also had a trash bag out there that worked really well.  You tie one end of the yarn to each handle of the bag (or you bunch up sections of the trash bag to make "handles", and then voila!  you have a kites.  Once the wind catches the bags, they puff up beautifully and you can "fly" them to your heart's content.

Granted, giving Little People plastic bags attached to long strings can have it's problems.  One child unfortunately let go of his string and away, away, away went his kite, over the fence and out of sight.  Presumably it floated up over the school as well, since in a few minutes a few of the elementary kids brought it back to us from the playground on the other side of the school grounds.

And then of course you have the issues with "no strings around your neck" and "no plastic bags on your head", which became extra-tricky when it suddenly started to rain on us.

Last but not least you have your "yarn + bike" equation, which led to problems like this:

However, all in all it was an excellent lesson on wind and kites, and it cost us almost nothing.  Plus, I think the Little People will be talking about the Plastic Bag Kites for quite some time.

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