
Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Wedding Season

We've come to wedding season in Fresno.  Well, not in the usual time frame, as I suppose early summer is usually the true wedding season.  However, it's that time of year when all of the fruit trees are letting go of their beautiful blossoms, sending down a continuing sprinkle of light, airy flower petals.  If you drive down streets with lots of trees, you see the the most beautiful of petal-rains, with many more lining the streets with their pink of white blossoms. 

If I were to do my wedding over, I would like to hold it at this time of the year, in an area where the trees would just shower down such blossoms on us - you wouldn't need any other decorations at all (or flower girls, for that matter).

Actually, driving around in this has kind of become a perpetual reminder to me that we are the bride of Christ.  As if the petals are just for us to show how much we are loved and cherished by Him.  Which is not at all a bad thing to be reminded of on some of these regular, errand-full and sometimes menial kinds of days.

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