Still Living in Box World

Hello to all from the land of Box World. As you know, we have been living in different stages of Box World for quite some time. I must say, however, that on this side of the move we have a kinder and gentler Box World than before. It's amazing how removing the pressure of a moving truck coming and a departure date makes Box World existence so much less stressful.

This morning I was figuring up that we have been here one week today. An exact one-week time frame would be about 4:30 this afternoon, if I am remembering correctly. I have to say that we have made some good unpacking progress since then. One of the most helpful things was for my mom to do a lot of sorting of boxes in the garage of those boxes we know we don't want to unpack yet. (Teacher boxes on one side, Holiday and Decorating Item Boxes on the other.) This allows us at least designated spaces to know where things are and where we can put other items in these boxes as we find more of them. It also allows us the ability to put one of our cars in the garage (thanks, Mom).

While I have enjoyed the relative pressurelessness of this side of the move (Spellcheck of course doesn't think that's a real word, but I can't see why not), it is time to be able to move about the house with boxes and other homeless items in our way, so I have decided to take care of this in the next three days, leaving me to watch the Super Bowl in peace. Today is a good day to start this: the boys are in school and yesterday they both had good days, leaving me more peaceful about that. Jason is currently off working on this Sunday's sermon somewhere, and it's a nice and sunny day in which to work.

Off I go - wish me luck.

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