And I Thought It Would Be Hard to Know What to Say

Well, here I was worried about how exactly I would write my letter to resign from my job. I've never resigned from anything before, and I'm not too good in general at formal letter writing. But when I went over to Word today and typed up "Resignation Letter" in the help box, up popped a myriad of resignation template options. I could have resigned after a conflict, or resigned due to retirement. I could have resigned on the best of terms, or resigned with legal issues to still be worked out. I could have resigned here, or there - I could have resigned anywhere!

Well, you get the idea. So I filled in the form, and out of the printer came the official letter. We have decided that my last day will be January 9, so I can come back after Christmas and work with my replacement a few days to clue her in. (But not clue her in too much, so she'll actually take the job). Then I'll be done, and we're planning to move sometime around MLK weekend. Whew.

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