A Few Random Monday Thoughts

Here are a few Random Monday thoughts:

1. Carpet guys came this morning, bright and early, as promised. Yes, we do have a house full of new carpet that we put in when we bought the house. As of late Friday night, part of this new carpet was just a little bit browner after I spilled paint on it. It was just a small blob of paint, about orange-sized, and when it was wet, it was the perfect color to blend right in. Unfortunately, when it was dry, it looked like, well, like the dog was involved somehow. But this morning the carpet guys came and now all is well.

2. Speaking of painting, buying this tool was the best $3 I ever spent. It's not perfect, but it saved me hours of edge trimming. It worked wonderfully on along the top edges of ceilings or anywhere where two walls came together. I had to be a lot more careful with it while going along the baseboards. In fact, I had to basically lie down on the carpet to watch how close the paint pad was to the baseboard. However, who can complain about a job in such a reclining position? Not I.

3. This morning I turned down a chance to interview for a very interesting part time (12/hours a week) job working with literacy intervention with a non-profit organization in order to "stay the path" of subbing with the long term goal of one day teaching here at least half-time. Granted, this path on which I am staying is the one which I have received nary a sub call in the four weeks that I have been in the system. I'm not sure whether I am happy or unhappy about this decision, to tell the truth.

4. We had a group of about 18 people over last night for dinner. There's nothing like a big group of people coming to dinner to spur those home improvement projects (and resulting cleanup jobs) right along. I still had a bottle of 409 cleaner in hand when the first guest arrived, but the evening went pretty well.

5. A few goals for this week: Continue on in the drudgery otherwise known as Jacob's Cave O'Wallpaper. Paint Jericho's room chosen gray color. Begin sanding the china cabinet in order to "PotteryBarn-ize" it. Blog every day. Perhaps (in order to take a break from all the Home Improvement) read a new book so there will finally be a new picture in my "Books Recently Read" column.

I hope everyone has a good Monday!

Sarah  – (12 October 2009 at 13:12)  

I'm off on my book reading, too -- but I am not embarking on ginormous home improvement projects such as yours. Glad you had people over to christen your home and make it officially a home. I am so horrible about having people over.

Proud of you for staying the path. Whatever that is...

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